Unprotected first premarital sex common among young Filipinos; other risky sexual activities also reported

Despite years of information campaigns on the risks of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy from unprotected sex, majority of today’s young people had their first premarital sex experience without the use of condom or any other form of contraception to protect from pregnancy or sexually-transmitted disease. The 2013 Young Adult Fertility Study (YAFS 4) … Read more

Survey shows 1 in 3 young pinoy had sex outside of marriage

Thirty two percent of young Filipinos aged 15-24 had engaged in sex before marriage, up from 23 percent reported a decade ago. This finding came from the 2013 Young Adult Fertility Study (YAFS 4). The new survey offers a comprehensive look at the sexuality, fertility and reproductive health behaviors of contemporary young adults in the … Read more

Study finds today’s youth less involved in drugs, alcohol and smoking

While there will always be young people who continue to experiment with sex, drugs and alcohol, today’s generation of young Filipinos seem to behave better compared to their counterpart a decade ago. Findings from the 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study (YAFS 4) released today by the Demographic Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (DRDF) … Read more